Category Medicina Chineza

Five Element Framework

A Universal Theory Woven into Chinese Culture

TCM’s Five Element framework is ancient and Universal in what it embodies. The Five Elements are deeply woven into the fabric of Chinese culture. In fact, Five Element theory is the foundation of Chinese disciplines such as feng shui, the martial arts, and the I Ching (The Book of Changes, a text also Universal in its understanding and representation of the dynamic balance of opposites and the processes of unfolding events and change).

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The Acupressure Toxin Flush

The Acupressure Toxin Flush

One of the main causes for illness is toxic overload…

Junk food, pollution, toxic chemicals clog the system with harmful substances and interfere with cellular function.

Returning or chronic illnesses are often a sign of toxic overload.

Detoxification has an important role in better health and promoting a stronger immune system

Organs responsible for Detox

The organs of detoxification and elimination of toxins are liver – see liver detox – kidneys – see kidney cleanse – colon, lungs, and skin.

Be sure to drink plenty of water, to flush your system whenever you are triggering detox channels – (meridians).

Methods of Detoxification

Methods of detoxification include fasting – water fasting or juice fasting – and dietary changes.


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cupressure Points for Health Maintenance and Quick Relief

Acupressure Points – An Ancient Healing Art

Acupressure (Acupressure points) is an ancient healing art that uses pressure on specific points on the body with the goal of relieving pain and discomfort which may be caused by energy imbalances or blockages.

How Acupressure works?

Balanced energy force is imperative for good health and emotional well-being. Acupressure moves and manipulates this energy to create a balanced state, effectively treating pain and illness.

Generally speaking, acu-points are small, round areas that can feel ‘charged’. They function as little relay stations for the qi flow along the meridians.

By applying pressure in a small circular motion, the energy flow can be restored.

Acupressure Points for Health Maintenance

Acu-point Qi-Flow...

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Body Frequencies

Frequency – definition

“the number of occurrences of a repeating current flow per second”

The subject of body frequencies is little known and/or studied and understood by modern western science.

In my experience, our health, clarity of mind and also our mood and inner balance, depend very strongly, on the frequencies we are exposed to, or take into our body, by ways of food.

Body Frequencies:

Feeling great… on top of the world… or down, exhausted and sick…

High or low frequencies?

So much depends on our Body Frequencies…

Skeptics refer to body frequencies and body bio-field, as some form of new-age charlatanism.

I find the topic of body frequencies most interesting. I cannot prove any of the statements, using measuring instrument.

We live in a world of frequencies, and I have co...

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Balancing Emotions for Well-Being

Articol preluat de pe  sit-ul A Guide to Holisting healing

Balancing emotions – thoughts, attitudes and beliefs, impact our Qi flow and with balanced energy flow we can improve our health and well-being.

Emotions have a huge impact on how we feel, how much enthusiasm and appetite we have for life, and how healthy we are in general.

Where do Emotions happen?

It may sound strange at first, but emotions instead of happening in the brain, happen in the body.

The idea that mind and emotions are important in illness is integral to Chinese medicine. In this medicine, emotions are considered to be generated in the body and transmitted through Qi Energy.

The word “passion” would convey the idea of mental suffering better than “emotion” also because it implies the idea of something t...

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Five Elements Healing and the Seasons of the Year

Articol preluat de pe  sit-ul A Guide to Holisting healing

Five Elements Healing and the Seasons of the Year

In the Chinese system the five elements are not static forms – the more accurate translation would be: ‘The Five Walks’ or ‘The Five Moves’.

Every person is characterized by one of these elements or seasons (or a combination of them). In our life cycle we travel through different phases – corresponding to different elements. Each season with its own rhythm.

While all five elements are present in every person, one or a blend of two or three elements are dominant and form the personal rhythm. This tells us a great deal about that individual’s health challenges, personality and spiritual journey.

Each element has certain strength and certain vulnerabilities.

When one element is excess...

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